Agustus 12, 2011

character building [join with group ten] (

okay.... character building.... what is character building???
in seamolec we was given something non formal lesson like CB... this is the rules in CB :
  1. one gruop in CB consist of two small group in this class..
  2. in one group CB have one leader..
  3. leader will give point to all of  group member..
  4. all of the group member give point to the leader..
  5. thats point consist of : discipline, leadership, responsibility, teamwork, tolerance, creativity,  how to solve problem and etc....
  6. the point will be minus, when someone make a mistake , depends on the rule...
thats the rule... and what is our job??
in every morning at 7.00 a.m , we must clean UT, depends on the rule... this is some of our documentation since monday 8.... [maav bila english saia sangant jelek... ini membiasakan diri.... :P]

this is our partner in character building : kelompok sepuluh.......

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